Sunday, December 28, 2014


Its already few days left before we will meet year 2015 A.D.

And many social media folks will post this:


But before you will hardly criticized that hashtag...


Year 2014 has a lot of changes upon me...

Facebook's trending year-end post

Change of Ideology! 

Intriguing.... Haha!

Yeah, from LEGALISTIC to becoming More GRACIOUS!

Yes, indeed its hard and troublesome, in the first place...
Because you will remove something that is really kept since childhood.

Guilty thoughts, clashing of principles and hatred circles around in my mind.
I took me staggering months to ponder these until I decided to let go...

When that happens,

It is a release!

It breaks the chains and become Christ-like, progressively. 

And I become to choose LOVE rather than the set of non-essential rules.

Yes, I'm aware of the Abuse Grace, which also condemned by the Holy Scripture...
However, Christ himself encourage us to enter into the Throne of Grace that
we will receive mercy (Hebrews 4:16).

Yeah, the struggle is still there...
But the Grace of God, it teaches me to look on Jesus, rather than my sins and the sins of others. 

I really hope and pray that I become more gracious to others, this coming 2015...

I also thank people who become the agents of God's Grace, this year.

A #NewYearNewMe indeed! :)

That's all I can say! 

Thanks for dropping by, guys and gals!

Advance Happy New Year!

God bless! Shalom!

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Christmas Rush

Heavy traffic as early as 5pm...

Malls got jam-packed with shoppers and strollers...

Fully booked function rooms for Christmas Party...

Long staggering lines at the grocery counter...

Experts called it: Christmas Rush.

But did you know that there is a first Christmas Rush in the Bible? :)

Yes, the shepherds who were received the Good News from the Angels.

Then they rush in!

Not to the stores or malls...

But to the Bethlehem, at the manger, where the angel had said: "The Messiah Has Born!"

Yeah. Because we get start to get busy in Christmas Activities.

Let us first reflect the First Christmas! 

(Excerpt from Rev. Arnel Tan's Message from ChiBap Christmas Dawn Service)
*Key Verse: Luke 2:8-20

Remember the PERSON

Yeah, its an awkward thing to being there in the party celebration
without knowing who is the celebrant.

Remember Jesus Christ: The Reason for this Season.

He wants us to have a great relationship with Him.

Know the PURPOSE

The purpose why you have a "noche buena" during the 24th...
The purpose why you give gifts to your manito/manita, pamankins and to the less fortunate.

Focus not on what you will give or what you will receive.
Focus on the essence of celebration with your friends and family.


We need to be involved in this Holiday Season.

I did not mean that you be always present in Christmas Parties or
any Christmas Event.

Bu rather let us become the instruments of the great message this Christmas.

The message of the LOVE of CHRIST! 

The message of importance of the CELEBRANT, not the Gifts and material things...

The message of LOVING OTHERS, not just this season only but throughout the year!

Become the Light of the World!

Let us RUSH to the REAL meaning of Christmas! 

Oh yeah!

Hopping you have a blessed Christmas Season! 

Merry Christmas, guys and gals! Shalom!

- Duke Emman

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Hope to Live Again!

Yeah! Its All Souls Days again!

And this post will not talk about if visiting your relatives is against the Word of God or not.

But let us dig deeper about the scariest word of all time: DEATH!


Yeah! The most avoided topic by the groups and also the most topical in news and televisions.

You may avoid being discuss in your friends, and the same time, you will hear people dying on news headlines.

We may fell pity those who are passed away. And the same time, fear of being the next in line!

All these will lead into 2 facts about DEATH:


Whether you like it or not...

Believe or argue...


But take heed my friend!





He is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
He defeated death (2 Timothy 1:10)
He is the first born among the dead (Colossians 1:18)

And He promise us to LIVE again (John 11:25)

We may fear of death, but Christ encourage us on the LIFE after death.

We may weep when someone dies, especially the close once...
He allows it, but He did not show the death, sorrowful and hopeless.



Believe in JESUS CHRIST and you shall be SAVED! (Acts 16:31)
And have Eternal Life (John 3:16b)

Hope this blog will remind us to have HOPE TO LIVE AGAIN!

Post your comments at my Facebook

Before I'll end this post. Have time to listen to this blessed song by Hillsong:

Thank you, Brothers and Sisters!

God bless! Shalom!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hey! Hey! Hey!


Guys and Gals!

I'm back in blogging again!

After days of busyness and procastinations!

Yeah, just want to post this C.I.S.S blog in order
to inform you taht IM STILL ALIVE and KICKING!


ATSUP BOULEVARD!! (Urban Taunt :) )

And yeah,  I'm also missed doing blogging sessions. Busy kasi eh!
 That's life...

Okay, cease talking... Here's my recent activities, so far...

BSBA Culmination Night.
A night of talents, socializing and goodbyes to my schoolmates and instructors.

The Author, with the ever beautiful Ms. Rai Anillo

Davao Chinese Baptist Church Building Construction Visitation
A very blessed moment for God's people in witnessing
the building of His Church.

Become Engineers for 1 hour! LOL! :)

And some Graduation Requirements

(Its okay guys and gals! I've already ask some
persons who are will to be sponsors. No need na to donate. :) )

Yeah! I'll be graduating, this November...
Graduation Portrait,  coming soon! :)

Fellowship with the blessed people! :)
ChiBap Young Prof Group


That's all I can say for now!

Stay connected by visiting my FB, Guys and Gals!

God bless! Shalom!

Monday, September 22, 2014

My Very Last Intramurals!

Hey guys and gals!


College life will never be complete without INTRAMURALS! 


Annually, my school held Intramurals. But this one is memorable...
Because this is my LAST one, as a Holy Crossian. :)

Me with DonnaShin and friends!

So happy that I'm not alone in this journey (obviously, you cannot create intrams by one person alone.. hihiih!)

I also got the privilege to shoot the event.
As one of the Photojournalist in our School Publication, it is our duty to document the games around the intramurals. Whether it could be small game like Word Factory, or a huge game like basketball.

Here's my sample pics!

 In the end of the tournament, the over-all champion was the

And I'm happy to be part with! Its my department! :)


Finally a special thanks to the one of the person behind this victory.

Our Program (BSBA) President and my lovable friend
Ms. Lyslie May Abalos

My fearless compliment: She is the CUTEST BSBA PRESIDENT I've ever seen in my 4 1/2 years in HCDC! :)
<3 <3 <3


All I can say some to her is:
Just keep it up, bunso! Yeah, your dedication in serving our department really makes great and glorifying results! This might be my last moment seeing you as a schoolmate in this institution (because I'll graduate na po this end of the semester), so ill gonna miss your presence. Cge lang Miss Prexy, Go lang nang go! Amping sa next duty mo as the voice of our department!
God bless! Shalom!

That's all I can say something for now...

If you have to say something on this post. Just type your comments below or post it in my Facebook.

Thanks for dropping by!
God bless! Guys and Gals!


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Davao Chocolate Festival


Some like it, others like it MORE!

And the great festive of the lovable choco is here!


Happened September 12-14, 2014 at the Annex Event Center, SM City Davao.

Featuring the mouth-watering chocolates from local and international brands.
Products showed are cacao beans, cacao fruits, tablea, cocoa powder 
and an unusual Chocolate Soap that will make the chocolate fans (and ants! haha!)
swarm the area!

The luscious event are jam-packed with Chocolate producers, Chocolate Sellers, 
Cacao breeders and the Chocolate lovers themselves (the proud ones and the denials :) ).

The exhibitors are happy to see people around inquiring ang craving for their
delicious products.

"We joined this event so that we can able to contribute efforts in the Chocolate industry in the region".
Mentioned by the exhibitor from Puratos.

Exhibitor from the Cacao Industry Association of Mindanao Inc. said that
the Cacao Industry of Mindanao is one of the popular in the world. So they make programs
to satisfy Cacao farmers and to serve more cocoa suppliers.

Overall! The Davao Chocolate Festival is a big hit!

Hopping for another scrumptious chocolate festival, next year!

Obsessed with chocolaty-liking good post? 
Or you just want to show to the world about your chocolate patriotism.

Show your sweet comments below or at my Facebook.

And I'll put this in my #EVENTories!

Thank you guys and gals! God bless! Shalom!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

8th Mindanao Franchise Expo

Hello Guys and Gals!

If you are interested in franchising business!

Here's an AdVantage for you! 

MINDANAO FRANCHISE EXPO OPENS SEPTEMBER 12 The much awaited 8th Mindanao Franchise Expo opens September 12 at the Activity Center of Abreeza Mall Davao City and will exhibit until Sunday September 14, 2014 during Mall Hours and participation for visitors is free. 

Organized by Filipino International Franchise Association together with Globe Business, 2GO Express, Phoenix Petroleum, Murang Generics, CMA Classical Menthal Arithmetic, Ohair Salon, myface Salon and 37 more exhibitors offer more than 200 Franchise Opportunities, supported by the local and national media. 

RK Franchise Consultancy is present to assist Companies who want to develop their Company into a Franchise System. Senior Franchise Consultant of 37 years in 3 Continents Rudolf A. Kotik, Founder of RK Franchise Consultancy, and will give a Franchise Seminar on September 15 at 1.30 pm at Grand Regal Hotel Mei King Function Room with the following topics: Seminar topics: What is Franchising, History of Franchising, Defining Franchising, Franchising 101, What does a Franchise provide, Benefits of buying a Franchise, How to select a Franchise, Advantages and Demands of Franchising, Mistakes by Franchise Buyers, Buying a Franchise, Franchising your business, Legal Franchise Requirements among other topics. Netjet Capuno, Trademark Specialist of Filipino International Franchise Association will talk about the importance of Trademarking your business and some Franchsie Companies will introduce their opportunities. 

To avail of a discount for the seminar, please visit the FIFA booth at the Mindanao Franchise Expo or call 0932.764.9251 or 0917.860.9329. Details on the expo and seminar are at

Thank you guys and gals! (y)

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