Monday, September 22, 2014

My Very Last Intramurals!

Hey guys and gals!


College life will never be complete without INTRAMURALS! 


Annually, my school held Intramurals. But this one is memorable...
Because this is my LAST one, as a Holy Crossian. :)

Me with DonnaShin and friends!

So happy that I'm not alone in this journey (obviously, you cannot create intrams by one person alone.. hihiih!)

I also got the privilege to shoot the event.
As one of the Photojournalist in our School Publication, it is our duty to document the games around the intramurals. Whether it could be small game like Word Factory, or a huge game like basketball.

Here's my sample pics!

 In the end of the tournament, the over-all champion was the

And I'm happy to be part with! Its my department! :)


Finally a special thanks to the one of the person behind this victory.

Our Program (BSBA) President and my lovable friend
Ms. Lyslie May Abalos

My fearless compliment: She is the CUTEST BSBA PRESIDENT I've ever seen in my 4 1/2 years in HCDC! :)
<3 <3 <3


All I can say some to her is:
Just keep it up, bunso! Yeah, your dedication in serving our department really makes great and glorifying results! This might be my last moment seeing you as a schoolmate in this institution (because I'll graduate na po this end of the semester), so ill gonna miss your presence. Cge lang Miss Prexy, Go lang nang go! Amping sa next duty mo as the voice of our department!
God bless! Shalom!

That's all I can say something for now...

If you have to say something on this post. Just type your comments below or post it in my Facebook.

Thanks for dropping by!
God bless! Guys and Gals!


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