Sunday, December 28, 2014


Its already few days left before we will meet year 2015 A.D.

And many social media folks will post this:


But before you will hardly criticized that hashtag...


Year 2014 has a lot of changes upon me...

Facebook's trending year-end post

Change of Ideology! 

Intriguing.... Haha!

Yeah, from LEGALISTIC to becoming More GRACIOUS!

Yes, indeed its hard and troublesome, in the first place...
Because you will remove something that is really kept since childhood.

Guilty thoughts, clashing of principles and hatred circles around in my mind.
I took me staggering months to ponder these until I decided to let go...

When that happens,

It is a release!

It breaks the chains and become Christ-like, progressively. 

And I become to choose LOVE rather than the set of non-essential rules.

Yes, I'm aware of the Abuse Grace, which also condemned by the Holy Scripture...
However, Christ himself encourage us to enter into the Throne of Grace that
we will receive mercy (Hebrews 4:16).

Yeah, the struggle is still there...
But the Grace of God, it teaches me to look on Jesus, rather than my sins and the sins of others. 

I really hope and pray that I become more gracious to others, this coming 2015...

I also thank people who become the agents of God's Grace, this year.

A #NewYearNewMe indeed! :)

That's all I can say! 

Thanks for dropping by, guys and gals!

Advance Happy New Year!

God bless! Shalom!

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