Monday, December 22, 2014

The Christmas Rush

Heavy traffic as early as 5pm...

Malls got jam-packed with shoppers and strollers...

Fully booked function rooms for Christmas Party...

Long staggering lines at the grocery counter...

Experts called it: Christmas Rush.

But did you know that there is a first Christmas Rush in the Bible? :)

Yes, the shepherds who were received the Good News from the Angels.

Then they rush in!

Not to the stores or malls...

But to the Bethlehem, at the manger, where the angel had said: "The Messiah Has Born!"

Yeah. Because we get start to get busy in Christmas Activities.

Let us first reflect the First Christmas! 

(Excerpt from Rev. Arnel Tan's Message from ChiBap Christmas Dawn Service)
*Key Verse: Luke 2:8-20

Remember the PERSON

Yeah, its an awkward thing to being there in the party celebration
without knowing who is the celebrant.

Remember Jesus Christ: The Reason for this Season.

He wants us to have a great relationship with Him.

Know the PURPOSE

The purpose why you have a "noche buena" during the 24th...
The purpose why you give gifts to your manito/manita, pamankins and to the less fortunate.

Focus not on what you will give or what you will receive.
Focus on the essence of celebration with your friends and family.


We need to be involved in this Holiday Season.

I did not mean that you be always present in Christmas Parties or
any Christmas Event.

Bu rather let us become the instruments of the great message this Christmas.

The message of the LOVE of CHRIST! 

The message of importance of the CELEBRANT, not the Gifts and material things...

The message of LOVING OTHERS, not just this season only but throughout the year!

Become the Light of the World!

Let us RUSH to the REAL meaning of Christmas! 

Oh yeah!

Hopping you have a blessed Christmas Season! 

Merry Christmas, guys and gals! Shalom!

- Duke Emman