Friday, September 05, 2014

Lovestruck Convergence Davao 2014

An event that is based on the top selling book in Christian Bookstores, had arrived in DAVAO!


A whole day seminar about the Promise of Purity. Consist of four God-given speakers.

First was Ptr. Ivan Feliciano who talks about the Physical Purity and Restoration. 
Second, Ptr. John Sales who gives knowledge and insights on Purity of the Mind and Video Gaming Addiction
Third speaker was Sis. Kerlyn Rufino-Bobadilla, emphasizing the Emotional Purity and Waiting for Love.
Lastly, the Lovestruck Author himself: Ptr. Ronald Molmisa. He delivers exhortation on Purity and Loving God

Prior to the event, Ptr. Ronald Molmisa held a book signing event at the CLC Bookstore. 
And the author (yours truly) had a privilege to have his book signed by the Lovestuck Pastor.
Thank you, Pastor! :)

 The Convergence happened last August 30, 2014. Was held at First Buhangin Baptist Church. 
With 50 delegates from 10 different churches from Davao, including near provinces like Digos, Tagum and Tacurong.

It was filled with exciting games, uplifting praise & worship and blessed session with the Word of God.

(c) Lovestruck Group Page

More Lovestuck Books, Bibles and Inspirational Books displayed by the OMF Literature
(c) Lovestruck Group Page

Lovestruck T-shirts also available for Php250.00
(c) Lovestuck Group Page
The author also participated at one of the games in the event 
(c) Lovestruck Group Page

The event ended with picture or selfie takings, book signings and a blessed smiles of the participants.

The Author taking groupies with the staff and the participants.

 The organizers are very thankful for the successful event. Because this was the first Lovestruck Convergence in Davao (and in the Mindanao as a whole. Ms. Caryl Jan Sosa, the Lovestuck Convergence Davao Promoter, gave appreciations to all who attended in this historical event of the Lovestruck Ministry (see it on her FB Post).

The event was indeed a blessed one! The participants learned the Biblical values on Love and Purity.

This was made possible by our GREAT GOD and LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST for his grace, mercy and provision. May His name be glorified always! AMEN!

If you had something to say about this event, let me know. Feel free to drop you comments in the blog or in my Facebook Account.

And I'll put this in my #EVENTories!

Thanks for viewing, Guys and Gals! God bless! Shalom!

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