Thursday, September 04, 2014


Hello Guys and Gals!

This my official come back as a blogger! YAAY!

After years of silence in the blogosphere (because of busyness in my studies, procrastination and personal issues that I deal't with), IM BACK!!!

With a NEW NAME and a NEW CATEGORIES to share with!

I've got lots of categories to share with you in this blog. So far, I have 3 MAIN CATEGORIES that hopefully will give you info's and insights you will enjoy...

So here's my 3 MAIN CATEGORIES:

"Can I Say Something"

This blog category is all about my views and opinions about issues around our lives.
It could be educational, political, social issues that really strikes in our minds.
Yeah, this commentary will be more on positive side because for me, 
looking on the good side of the topic really matters.


In my expectation, this will be the most interactive portion of my blog.
In this category, I'll visit some extravagant, colorful and entertaining events in the Metro Davao.
I'll post some highlights about the event, the organizers behind it and 
some personalities and organizers that I will put this in my


And finally! The most important blog of all. TELEIOS!
From the Greek word meaning Mature or Fully Grown.
This word also appears in Matthew 5:48 verse, in Greek context.
Jesus said: "Be perfect (teleioi: plural) as your heavenly Father is perfect (teleios: singular)" (NIV).
This part will be on sharing the PERFECT Word Of GOD. His Word will make
us more mature in His presence! 


Just keep on reading on this blog and hopefully I could add more categories
to make you inform, entertain and blessed!

Well That's all for now! Just like shops and stores, I'm still in soft opening, so bear with me.

If you have something to say about my first blog, or an advice to make my blog better
or simply just say CONGRATULATIONS or WELCOME in the blogging world,
Just drop your comments below or you can post it in my Facebook Account

Thanks for reading, Guys and Gals! God bless! Shalom!

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